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Well us Yager's had a great Christmas! We started out the holiday with Ruben as Baby Jesus for the ABT Christmas Pageant! Lets just say Ruben was a SAD Baby Jesus... He did very well for the rehearsals, but for the 3 nights of the actual performance, he was sad. I think it was the Shepard's that did it for the little guy!
He definitely received the "oo's" and "awe's", some people said that they couldn't even tell he was crying. Well I sure was proud! The picture below is Ruben and my dad before the first night. My dad was one of the Wise Men...
The last night of the pageant, we drove to Homer! We decided that we would have Christmas with Sandor's parents and come back to Anchorage the day after Christmas. Sandor had to go up to Anchorage to plow the day before Christmas Eve, and praise the Lord he was able to get back down Christmas Eve Night! Rob and Mark are to thank for that ;)
We had a great time watching Ruben open up his VERY FIRST Christmas present... he LOVED the bow! That was the only thing he was interested before he fell asleep on the floor for the rest of present opening. We were blessed with all the gifts we received from Sandor's family... I was able to get the vacuum cleaner I have wanted FOREVER! Sandor received wings for his plow, and we both got gift cards, cash and little stuff! I got Sandor a hand held, deep muscle massager! He loves it, and Sandor got me my wedding band that I have wanted! And Ruben made out as well, he got clothes, cash, and a savings account from his great-grandparents.So it was a good Christmas day! We already miss Homer and everyone down there! Some times I wish we were still living down there, then I start thinking about the 200+ miles away from a mall, my parents and just civilization in general! We got to play the wii Jonnie Kay got from Terry, and I fell in love with the game Skip-Bo... thank you Nagypapa and Terry :)
We made it back to Anchorage safe and sound the day after Christmas but Sandor had to go plow immediately... So I went shopping! We opened our presents from my family Saturday morning, and that was awesome too! I received everything that I asked for! I'm a little spoiled or what? Ruben got toy after toy from Pa Paw and Meme, his favorite one so far is a stuffed penguin... a little beanie baby. He smashed it in his face the minute he opened it. So it was a good Christmas all in all!
Now we are awaiting the new year, and anticipating what may come this new year! I hope that we get to see family that we haven't seen in a while and that Ruben will have the chance to meet them. (*ahem, Grampa and Elizabeth!)
We pray that you all had a GREAT Christmas and will have a good New Year's celebration!
So Ruben is trying new foods. He LOVES his cereal and has two bowls a day. It helps SO much with feeding him everyday, he is still feeding every 2-3hrs. Well we figured we try fruits and veggies!
He has had peaches, sweet potatoes, and carrots! Well he didn't like the peaches too much, and he LOVED the sweet potatoes and liked the carrots OK.
I want to get him to eat veggies before fruit, they say that babies that have veggies before fruits liked eating vegetables later in life. We'll see :)
I have a picture of Ruben eating his carrots...
Well at the end there, I gave him the spoon and the mess multiplied!
So I have "Proud Momma News"! Ruben was asked to be Baby Jesus for the Anchorage Baptist Temple Christmas Pageant!! YAY! We have had rehearsals the last couple of nights and he has done AWESOME! No crying, or whining! Everybody has said that he is looking pretty cute up there and as his momma, I couldn't agree MORE! I will have pictures up later this week... So be on the look out!
My brother Jordan is back in town from Liberty! He is SO glad to be back... Ruben just LOVES is uncle. I guess today when I was at work (Sandor and Rob babysit) Ruben was fussy. They tried everything with no prevail, then Uncle Jordy stops by to say hi. What does Ruben do? He SMILES AND LAUGHS! Just wait until next summer when Jordan comes back and Ruben is RUNNING AROUND and has become Pa Paw's little sidekick! wow... I will be busy!
We are heading down to Homer on Sunday, and will be there until the day after Christmas. I'm in need of a Homer trip. I cant wait to see my girls and have time to relax!
Well check up on us in the next few days and I will have the Pageant pictures and Sandor's contest info...
So I am Ashleigh Yager, I was married to Sandor August 25th, 2007. Sandor was born and raised here in Alaska and grew up most of his life in Homer. He is an only child and graduated from high school when he was 15! I was born and raised in Alaska as well. I come from a famliy of 5 kids! There was ALWAYS something going on!
Since we have been married, we have gone out of the country, been on a road trip and got a new puppy. We have bought a new house, moved to a new town and back, AND we had a baby!
Ruben Sean was born July 11th, 2008! We found out that we were going to have him 4 months after we got married, I was already 3 months pregnant. The funny thing with all that was I was on birth control... So he was a God thing! He was 9lbs 2oz and 20 and 1/2 inches long... he was a chunk (still is) with loads of black hair!
Well he is pushing 20lbs now, and is 5 months old! He is rolling over, talking, and laughing all the time. He is eating his cereal twice a day and has tried peaches, sweet potatoes, and bananas!
He LOVES smiling to other people and is so fun to take out and about! He has been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old and I AM BLESSED! He has made being a first time mom SO easy I and absolutely LOVE it, and wouldnt change it for the world!

Sandor and I are attending Anchorage Baptist Temple and love the people and friendships that we have built, all though we MISS our Homerites WAAAY TOO much :) But the wonderful world of texting and internet helps with that! Especially for my Haley and I! I always look foward to our trips to Homer, its a nice relaxing break with awesome friends!
Sandor is plugging away on his business Sparky's Land Works, he has been blessed with lots of snow so far this winter, plowing is definitely a love of his! Him and Rob are trying to win a new Fisher Plow through a video contest, when its time to vote I will post the website so you can help them WIN!
I am still working at Anchorage Christian Preschool, which I love my 6 hours a week! I close from 3-6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays... I love those kids! Even the ones that are naughty, and never obey!
Romeo and Maverick are the same ol' terds! Maverick almost made babies with a dog we found in Homer, but she has liver problems. Well maybe next time. We have a new cat Sushi... she is a talker and drinks out of the toilet! YAY! For animals... Sarcasim if you didnt get that :)
Well I hope that you check up on us every week! That would mean the world to us Yager's!