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Our family of 3 is going to be a family of 4 come September! We are VERY excited and cannot wait to meet our new baby! God has blessed us with Ruben in SO many ways, another one on the way makes us that much more grateful that we get to be parents!
I do have horrible morning sickness. I do have nausea and unfortunately throwing up. I've had horrible headaches, and cant wait until this part of my pregnancy is over! Our 2nd prenatal appointment is on the 24th, I will be sure to keep you all updated :)
Ruben is growing more and more everyday. We can safely say the boy is crawling! His personality is forming into a little character. He can be the sweetest little boy you'd ever meet, but watch out, he can pitch a fit like no other!! It is a little independence he has gained in his 7 months of life! He is very smart and very determined!
Valentines Day was a blast! Sandor woke up to his gift 3am... He wasn't suppose to wake up, but I guess I'm not that sneaky. He made me the sweetest card EVER! He came up with the poem below...
I searched far and wide this Valentines Day
For a love soooo BIG it would blow me away.
Throughout all of Anchorage, and even the world,
The BEST LOVE I found was this boy and this girl (he had a picture of us)
I wished I could have love like this for my own,
Then I realized this love was right here in my home!
Well I think so, and I am blessed with a great man... he also gave a frog and K-Bay coffee!
Well thanks for checking up on us! Please keep my pregnancy and New Baby Yager in your prayers...
We were able to spend this last weekend in Girdwood! It was SO relaxing, and quiet. We loved the time we spent with my grandma and Papa. Ruben had a blast and was able to be spoiled by grandma!
Terry and Jonnie (Sandor's parents) were staying at Alyeska Princess for a Realtors convention. So Sandor took Ruben swimming. HE LOVED IT! He was able to go with Grammie and have a blast. He went under water twice, and was able to show off his swimming trunks and surfer top! He was the cutest kid in there...
I turn 22 today! It's kinda different. I have passed all the birthdays that people usually anticipate, like 16, and 21. Now I can look forward to 25 and 30...
Sandor has been busy sanding and was able to plow the night before we left for Girdwood. He has something up his sleeve for my birthday today! I honestly don't like surprises, that's the control part of me coming out. BUT I will go along with him, he's done good in the past with his surprises! He is an amazing husband and I couldn't ask for anyone else!
It's a blessing to be able to fall in love with your husband more day in and day out! He makes it easy. But yesterday was a "I love you more today then I ever have"!! God is so awesome!
Ruben still hasn't "crawled", but is able to move around the floor. He is SUCH a character. He is always talking and yelling. Even when he is pitching a fit, his personality shines through! He is eating allot more. In the morning we wakes up about 6am and has a bottle, then will fall asleep for a few more hours. When he wakes up he'll have his oatmeal cereal with a fruit or yogurt. In between breakfast and his nap he'll have another bottle. When he wakes up he'll have lunch. That is usually a vegetable. He'll have 3 more bottles and one more vegetable or another bowl of cereal!! Right before he falls asleep by 10:30pm he'll have one more bottle to top off! Let's just say he is a growing boy :)
He is 7months in a couple days. THAT IS CRAZY! I cant believe how time has flown. Before I know it he's going to be heading off to college and getting married!
Well I'm off to go celebrate my birthday! Thanks for checking in on us!