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This last weekend Sandor and I celebrated our 2 years of marriage!! It was such a blessing to get away, and Sandor planned the whole thing : ) Everything was a VERY nice surprise!
Ruben stayed the night with Pa Paw and Meme, and we had a beautiful B&B to stay in. Sandor took me to Suite 100 for dinner, and we rented a couple of movies with some snacks! We wanted to take advantage of the night we had with no Ruben, and thought an ALL-NIGHTER was in store! We watched only ONE movie and played a little Skip Bo... then we passed out! Yeah, we didn't even make it pass 1am hahahaha. We are so old ; )
We had a great breakfast, and then it was off to get RUBEN!! I missed that kid SO much... but I managed our first night without him with NO tears!!
So next is the baby bump picture : ) Enjoy!!
So the beginning of this week I took Ruben to get his FIRST haircut : ) It was pretty intense for the baby man, until he received a sucker!!
He still has his little curls- praise the Lord!! I was kinda worried that they wouldn't come back, but they have : )

Well I had a pre-natal appointment yesterday and all is well with Baby #2!! This one is a MOVER just like Ruben : ) the heartbeat was 154... so on the slower side (maybe its another boy!!) I have had the worst last couple of weeks with the morning sickness : P
I have lost weight and now I'm only 2 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight that I was at with RUBEN!! So needless to say she was a little concerned with that and gave me some medicine for my throwing up... I took it last night and OH MY WORD! I was up from 2:30-5:30am from being SO sick! It was not a good night. So I don't think I will be taking that medicine again!
On the 31st, Sandor and I get to find out what we are having!! YAY! Sandor still wants another boy... he just may get one ; ) My 'gut feeling' is another boy... So we shall see!!
Ruben is talking MORE and MORE! His new sound is 'la la' and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to say 'WHOA'!!... and he LOVES to DANCE! Anytime he hears music, he starts to wiggle from side to side and back and forth. It is SO cute to watch : ) He has one upper tooth in, and 3, YES 3 more on the top coming in!!
His toy of choice seems to be balls! He always picks them up, and yells 'ball'.
All of his clothes from the summer are WAY TOO small... and he is just inches away from my waist! Crazy how tall he is already!
So Sandor and I will be celebrating 2 years on the 25th!! I guess Sandor has a HUGE weekend planned, one where Ruben will be spending the night with Pa Paw and Meme! WOW! He says he is making up for last year as well. Last year, we did nothing! Haha... I guess thats what happens when you have a one month old : ) But it has been an AMAZING 2 years! A friend told me I have 50 more to go... and Sandor and I are looking forward to those next 50 years with a smile on our faces!
This weekend is the Redeeming Love Retreat I will be leading! I cannot wait to see what God has in store! I have 3 sessions I will be teaching, and I'm REALLY excited about teaching them!! Jonnie will be watching Ruben during the teaching and I'm praying the weather will be good, so the girls can enjoy Homer to the fullest! I have a few that have never been, so it should be fun : )
Sandor is starting to gear up for the winter! He has a couple new guys he is looking at to replace Rob... He will be sending contracts out in September, and hopefully the snow will come soon after that!!
My brother Jordan is leaving Wednesday night :'( We are going to miss him tons! Ruben will miss his Uncle Jordy, and all the play time they have together! But he will be coming back for Christmas!!
Well I think thats it for now!! Hope you enjoyed the pictures of my Ruby-Dooby!