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We left this last Sunday for Homer, and looked forward to spending Thanksgiving with Sandor's family!! We decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Wednesday and drive up to Girdwood on Thursday to celebrate with my family. We were stuffed with REALLY good food, and homemade pies on Wednesday. Ruben was *of course* spoiled all week by Grammie and Grandpa!! He was able to spend A LOT of time with the both of them and had a very good week. Sandor was getting over his sickness for most of the time, but we had a fun time!
While we were in Homer, it decided to DUMP snow in Anchorage Wednesday evening and through the night. So change of plans Thursday morning... I woke up at 5:45am, Ruben and Sandor woke up at 6am and we were on the road by 7:30am- UGH!! I am NOT a morning person. Sandor had to plow in Anchorage, so he dropped Ruben and I off at my grandma's and papa's house in Girdwood. I was sad that I didn't have my hubby, BUT snow means money, and I had my family : )
So Ruben and I were able to eat a turkey dinner twice!! Sandor picked us up at midnight- Ruben was AWESOME!! He stayed up with Pa Paw and I, everyone else was in bed. Ruben wasn't fussy, and had a great time!! YAY RUBEN!!! We have a GREAT son : )
Picture of my mom and Ruben when she left to go back to Bethel... her and Ruben had a very good visit : )
I was suppose to get up at 4:30AM to go shopping with Jonnie- YEAH RIGHT!! hahaha- I went to bed at 1:30, and got up 3 times before 4:30 came around. So I slept in until 7:15, and started my shopping by 8am. This was my first "Black Friday" experience and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! I got some really good deals for Christmas shopping, but MAN OH MAN was I tired come 5o'clock!!
You're probably wondering if I had Ruben- NOPE : ) Sandor had to plow ALL day AGAIN because it snowed 9-plus inches Thursday night...
Sandor put Ruben's car seat in his pickup and they plowed for 5 hours!! This made Sandor's day, Ruben had a BLAST and LOVED every minute of this day : ) Sandor said that Ruben didn't fuss or cry, and watched out the windows the whole time!! OK- so I am totally having a PROUD MOMMA moment!! Sandor and I are SO blessed with such an awesome little boy!! God is good : )
Below is a picture of Ruben in his toddler bed!! He has had a GREAT transition and LOVES his bed... such a blessing!
Asher and I have an appointment on Monday, and I am looking forward to this one- it's FINALLY the one where we decide how Asher will be born!! So pray that its a decision that is made with wisdom!! I will for sure post a blog with the outcome...
This is a picture from Ellie's 13th birthday party, Ruben LOVED this car, and a Bob the Builder Tractor!Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and had good food with family! I miss SO many of you, and hope that we get to see each other sooner then later : )
So for halloween weekend we took the opportunity to take a trip to Homer. It was A LOT of fun, and some good memories were made while down there... we like to do a little something for fun on halloween, and last year we went to our churches' Fall Festival. Its a carnival type event that kids can come and enjoy. I was hoping that Homer would have something similar, and they did! Terry and Jonnies church puts on a carnival for the community just like Anchorage Baptist Temple! So we all dressed up and enjoyed some candy...

A couple of days ago brought our first REAL snowfall, and WORK for Sandor!! YAY! Praise the Lord, the transition from summer job to winter job was AWESOME!! God is SO good, and blesses our family with little things here and there... Sandor was very happy to say the least. He missed the plowing and snow- now he can have it for 5 MORE months : )
Ruben is doing great, he is not so little anymore!! I can barely carry him anymore, I know that my beach ball belly doesn't help, but hey! the kid is HEAVY! He is learning more and more... he can "roar" like a lion haha. I LOVE that!! He is definitely becoming more and more independent, and wanting to do things his way. He has NO fear- but I think that just comes with being a boy. I cannot wait until he gets to meet Asher!
Speaking of Asher! This last week I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Nothing to worry about, I just have to watch what I eat, and check my blood sugar regularly. Good thing I don't mind blood, needles, and pain! So far (2 days haha) has been good, I think I have been over just 2 times. I'm still trying to understand the whole diet thing...
Asher is healthy, healthy!! He is also 2 weeks big, so we shall see how this gestational diabetes affects the decision for how Asher will be born. I've heard a few different things from mom's that have had it... so I will just wait until the 30th when I see my Dr.
My Christmas decorations are up and we are loving it!! Ruben is doing better then I thought with the whole NO TOUCHING rule... all he does is point and grunt, then say 'please' in sign language if he wants something off the walls or tables. I simply say "no, that's Mama's- no touch". He is listening so far : ) He is a VERY good little boy, Sandor and I are blessed!!
My dad had his left hand surgery done last week, and is on the road to recovery. Although this time he is dealing with a bit more pain then last time, so if you could pray for his hand that would be awesome! He has to be pretty careful with banging his hand... Ruben is having a bit of a hard time with this since all the kid does to show affection is WALLER on you! Soon enough though he can wrestle and love on Pa Paw more...
Tia, Colin, Ellie, and my grandma went to FL a couple weeks ago, and had a BLAST! They had amazing weather, good shopping and a fun experience at Disney World!! They went down for the Revolve Tour for junior high, and high school girls... yes, I did mention that Colin went on the trip! He was the ONLY male at that conference besides the band members that attended... and yes, he was on CLOUD NINE with the attention he got... crazy kid : )
Well I do have an updated belly picture, but my other computer is being DUMB! SO hopefully here in the next couple of days I can get it on here...