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This last weekend we went to Homer to celebrate Christmas with Sandor's family! It was an awesome time, and we enjoyed spending time with the family- unfortunately it was short. Ruben had a great time opening presents, then being able to play with them!! I had so much fun watching Sandor and Ruben open their presents...
This was the LAST time we would be able to go down to Homer until after Asher is born!! I am on the countdown and I have a month to go!!! I am SO ready to have Asher- he is a BIG baby, and I...AM...MISERABLE! I have 20+ appointments until he comes, so my stress level is a little high. Sandor and I were talking about our 'to-do checklist' before the big day, and it seems I don't have enough time to finish them all. On Jan. 4th, I have an ultra sound to guess on Asher's weight. I will definitely update and let you all know!
Sandor and I have one present to get Ruben, and a stocking stuffer for Jordan, then we will be ALL done! BUT we have to wrap all of Ruben's presents, and I have the last of Sandors to wrap as well! I am going to be baking for our family Christmas lunch! I cannot wait until I get to enjoy this holiday : )
My brother Jordan flew in Sunday night!! I missed him a lot- BUT I have yet to see him... so we are making it a point to go over to my parents house and spend some time with him! I am glad that he is home, but he leaves a week before Asher delivery. So he won't be able to see Asher until May :'(
We took Ruben to the Christmas pageant this year! HE LOVED IT!! He wasn't too sure about all the costume animals during the "Winter Wonderland" before the pageant, but he LOVED the music and lights!! Pa Paw, Meme, and Auntie Ellie were all in it!! Pa Paw was a wise man, Meme was Mrs. Clause, and Ellie was in a black bear costume...
Well I hope you all have a GREAT CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!! I will talk to you soon with updates on Asher, and the pregnancy!!
Sandor and I have been BUSY, BUSY these last couple of weeks... actually I have been BUSY, BUSY these last couple of weeks and have been dragging Sandor with me hahaha!
Making sure Christmas cards are sent out, and that was a process because of the picture we wanted to use! Making list after list of Christmas presents to buy for family, and friends. Getting the tree up and decorating- then making sure Ruben doesn't take ALL the ornaments off to play "ball", and trying to plan when our "Homer Christmas" will be! All the while I have 3 or MORE appointments A WEEK mind you ; ) So to say in the least- I am ready for Christmas to be here!!
It looks like we will driving down to Homer this weekend, if the snow stays away!! If we don't make this trip it will not be until AFTER Asher is born that we get to make it down there... so we are praying the snow comes before or after!
Ruben is just loving the Christmas lights, and decorations everywhere! We have allowed him to have one "Christmas Ball" (a green ornament) to have, he is actually holding it right now. This has been very helpful in deterring the want of touching the tree : ) Praise the Lord for PLASTIC!!
Sandor is patiently waiting for snow... I like being able to have him around. He has been A HUGE help with Ruben!! Most of the time it's physically impossible to do the simple things with Ruben- so Sandor steps in! My belly is just too big to bend over- I will suffocate if I do that too long!
Speaking of Asher- he will be here Jan 22nd if not sooner! YAY! We have decided to stick with the c-section. Its really the best choice for the health of Asher and myself... So of course Sandor and I are TOTALLY excited and cannot wait to meet our BamBam! He has been nicknamed this because of the insane ninja skills he already has haha.
Well we pray that all of you have a blessed Christmas and remember that Jesus Christ is the real reason we are celebrating this holiday! It is SO humbling to know that God LOVES us SO much to have sent his ONLY son for US! For people that would spit in His sons face, for people that would nail him on a cross... and in the 2000 years since, for people that say he doesn't even exist, and live in such a way that our finite minds question "why does God even take the time anymore?"
Well I KNOW why God still takes the time- because of His GRACE! How amazing is the grace He has for is children, and for a world that wants to close Him out COMPLETELY!! Praise God for Jesus Christ... for His LOVE and MERCY! That is the REAL reason for Christmas... We love you guys!
Merry Christmas!!
Well my appointment went very well! Asher is a VERY healthy baby and is doing great : )
After discussing the risks of a natural delivery and c-section again with my doctor, we have decided that healthiest way would be C-section! Sandor and I have peace about the decision and after talking with both sets of parents; all agree with c-section as well...
I am officially "high-risk" now and will be until the end of my pregnancy. This is ONLY because of the gestational diabetes... so I have 2 appointments a week until Asher comes, just so they can keep an eye on me. He should be here when I am 38-39wks... which will be anywhere from January 18th-25th!! I will have a for sure date come the end of December or beginning of January!