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I know!! Kinda crazy uh?! Well Anchorage, AK has been rained on for the last few days and daytime temperatures have been in the 40's... The snow is melting and the roads are bare. I didn't even have to wear a coat today!! Now I say all this and we will get 2 feet of snow next week :) But hey! Us Yagers are OK with that!
Asher has taken his part in the family! He is practically sleeping through the night... he will lay down around 11p and sleep for 5 hours, eat, then sleep for another 3-4 hours!! He is on the same schedule has Ruben, although Asher sleeps 10 more hours then his big brother :)
As of Ashers 2 week check-up, the boy grew 2 1/2 inches and gained a pound! So I'm sure he is EVEN TALLER and HEAVIER as I am writing this.
Ruben was 25lbs and 33in tall at his 18 month check-up! He is over the 95th percentile for his height and the size of his head, but only in the 45th percentile for his weight... so this means Ruben is a tall, skinny boy with a BIG head- I wonder where he gets that from :)
We are in the process of weaning Ruben off of the binky! He is actually doing very well with this... he only gets it for nap, and bed time. Although I think Sandor let him have when they left the house. We are also starting the potty training business. We are getting him interested in using the toilet... so far its gotten his attention pretty well. He has gone poop once! But once I pulled him off the toilet- he peed on the floor hahaha!! I think that we will have more success once we get a stool for him to stand on.
Sandor and I are soaking in EVERY minute of being parents to TWO AMAZING boys :) We are SO blessed to know that God saw fit to give us 2 little boys to train up as MIGHTY MEN of GOD!! Ruben blows me away with how he is already so obedient, and so quick to do whats right. Its the little things that bring me joy to be his Momma... like him helping his nursery worker pick up toys without being asked and put them away, or the way he will put his DVD's away when told by his daddy!
When he was getting ready to leave the house today he made sure to tell me 'bye' after giving me a kiss!! AW!! That just melted my heart!! And the fact that he was SO excited and ready to go out with his Daddy is SO awesome!! Ruben is one little boy EVERY person would LOVE to meet and get to know :)
So on January 22nd... 8:19am- Asher Jude Yager was born!! He was 8lbs 7oz and 19in long.
We had a smooth delivery and God has totally blessed my recovery. Asher is doing VERY well... he is eating like a little piggy, and sleeping is his hobby! Momma and Daddy LOVE this:) We were VERY thankful for Jonnie (Grammie) and Nagymama coming up from Homer to help with Ruben. Jonnie stayed here at our house so Ruben had some regularity. We have also been blessed with MANY meals- being fed until Feb 8th is SO AWESOME!! Thanks to the LOVELY ladies at Mom's Club. A shout out to Kristin and Jen as well!! All the meals have been SO yummy!
Ruben is adjusting well. We have some moments where he won't want Asher around him- but all-in-all he is accepting Asher! Ruben will be more interested in having a little brother when Asher can play cars and vroom-vrooms.
Ruben is expanding his little vocabulary. He can say brother, and many more things that makes life a little easier for the little man when he wants something!
Sandor has been a GREAT daddy of TWO boys!! He is helping out SO much and being an amazing, caring hubby:) I just LOVE him!!
We have a well-baby appointment for Ruben and Asher on Friday... I can't believe that Ruben is ALREADY 18months old (on the 11th)- and that Asher will be 2 weeks. God is SO good!!
Thank you for all your prayers and LOVE for our family. We truly appreciate you all SO much!