Well... Ruben, Asher, and I are settled in our 'new' home in Homer. Its been awesome so far, and God is taking care of my heart:) I have started working, and I am enjoying it completely!! I get to see the boys when they need me, and have the flexibility with still being Momma.

Sandor is working hard in Anchorage. He is living outside my parents house, and missing his family EVERY SECOND until he can come down here!! Its been a great weekend actually. He came down last night, and gets to stay until tomorrow. We went on a date, and it was fantastic just being able to be with him. Ruben is LOVING every minute with Daddy being here. He cries when he just THINKS Sandor is leaving the room, so I think I will have to dry some serious tears tomorrow night :'(

Asher-Man is growing like crazy. As you can see in the pictures, I have a chunky-monkey:) He is ALWAYS laughing and smiling. And just this last week, the boy LOVES to talk!! Ruben and Asher are growing closer to each other. Just tonight, Asher was laying on his tummy, and Ruben laid down on his tummy right next to him. It was SO sweet:) I just love my boys!!

Sandor's family is soaking up EVERY minute they have with having the boys being down here. It is awesome that the boys can get to know the grandparents, Uncle Russ and Auntie Jan down here:) Ruben is always following Nagypapa around the house, and hotel. Helping him with odd-n-end projects, and enjoying the outside!
Ruben is learning SO much!! He is using actual words more and more, and holding actual conversations. I cannot believe that Ruben is going to be 2 in a month!! Kinda makes me sad that he is growing up... but MAN!! I am falling more, and more in love with this little boy:)

Well I should go!! Sandor is wanting to spend some time with the LOVE of his LIFE:) :)