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So Ruben had his 6 month check up, and he is HEALTHY!! He is 28 and 5/8 inches long and is 18.6lbs... we could of bet money on him being closer to 20lbs, if not more! But he is growing, and coming right along in brain development and motor skills!! He does have a cold that developed into bronchialitus... but he is taking medicine and getting better :)
He is able to get around! He isn't "crawling", but he is able to roll, or scoot to whatever catches his eye! He is sitting a lot more on his own and LOVES to grab things above his head, off the tables, or just about anything for that matter! He is still teething, none have popped out yet, but we see one just about to. He is the HAPPIEST baby, always has a smile on his face, and always talking or laughing. We love being able to have him in our lives and thank the Lord EVERY DAY! He is the BEST BABY EVER :)

Sandor didn't win the Fisher plow, but thank you for all of you that voted, we really don't even know who won. We are kinda thinking it was more of a fluke then anything. Sparky's Land Works is going great! God has TOTALLY blessed.
I'm very busy with a new ministry! God has opened the door for me to work along side the pastor of the Singles Ministry; Velocity 180'. I'm his assistant, and work side by side with everything that will happen. I'm also developing Redeeming Love Ministries. It is a women's ministry aimed for working on the heart. I'm very excited to be given the opportunity to be used of God and help His Kingdom! I'm teaching a Bible study right now, but will be involved with Leadership training and discipleship in the next year! I know that my relationship with Christ has exploded since I started the ministry. I have finally given God 100% of my heart, and now He has EVERYTHING I was holding on to sinfully. God used Sandor in helping me, and now I finally have nothing to hide. I have NO bondage, and Satan has NOTHING against me!! Its SO great to have God be in control!
Our marriage has benefited from all of this! We are both aiming at a marriage that is glorifying God and we are making sure that we keep it exciting! We have had SO much fun knowing that we are both in His will and our marriage is THRIVING and is BLESSED because of it! We have felt like our marriage is on our honeymoon all over again, but better because of what God has already done and WILL be doing!
Thanks for checking up on us!!
A lot has happened to the Yagers in the last year!
January- I was still very much in the morning sickness... We found out that we were pregnant with Ruben in December 2007, but I was already 7wks pregnant! Lets just say we started talking about having a baby, and decided to get off my birth control... but the bun was already in the oven!
February- I turned 21!! We decided to sell our house in Anchor Point. So we moved in with Sandor parents in Homer. I was still very sick and Sandor didn't want me to be alone for so long. And that helped with keeping the house clean :)
We also found out that our Baby was a BOY! So we gave him the name Ruben Sean!
May- I had reached my third trimester, and we had to move to Anchorage, for reasons of giving birth to Ruben. We still hadn't sold our house, so we chose to get renters. We moved into my parents house... I got my old job back at the Preschool. WOW... 7 months pregnant, as big as a house, chasing 3 and 4 yr old boys and girls!
June- Sandor turned 23!!
July- On the 11th, Ruben Sean was born! He weighed in at 9lbs 2oz and was 20 1/2 inch long!
September- We FINALLY found a place of our own... we moved down the street in a new 8 plex!
October- Ruben was a Bumble Bee on the 31st and a Lion for the Fall Festival, Sandor was a motor cross racer and I was a Lady Bug!
November- Ruben's FIRST Thanksgiving... We went to my Grandma and Papa's in Girdwood. We had a very good weekend!
December- Ruben's FIRST Christmas... So far Ruben can laugh, sit up, scoot, hold his toys, throw his binky, eat cereal, fruits and veggies, drink from a sippy cup, and roll over! He is pushing 20lbs and is almost 27inches long, if not there already! We can safely say that he has green-hazel eyes and his hair so far has a reddish, blond tint! Those features take after Sandor... He is a very happy baby and LOVES his Johnny Jump Up. We just fall in love with him day and day out!
So 2009 is now here and I CANT wait what is in store!
So we have the chance to receive a NEW FISHER PLOW!
BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! Sandor and Rob entered a contest to win a new Fisher plow. They put a lot of HARD work into this video and it turned out AWESOME if I may say so!
Where YOU come and help is very simple and easy!
Just go to
Scroll down to Plowing Alaska Style by: Sandor Yager
Click View Entry
and give Sandor 5 STARS at the bottom right!!
It will say thank you for voting when you are done!!
We will be blessed with the new plow but know it's in the Lords hands!
The winner will be announced January 10th... So don't delay in voting!
Thanks Guys :)