He is able to get around! He isn't "crawling", but he is able to roll, or scoot to whatever catches his eye! He is sitting a lot more on his own and LOVES to grab things above his head, off the tables, or just about anything for that matter! He is still teething, none have popped out yet, but we see one just about to. He is the HAPPIEST baby, always has a smile on his face, and always talking or laughing. We love being able to have him in our lives and thank the Lord EVERY DAY! He is the BEST BABY EVER :)

Sandor didn't win the Fisher plow, but thank you for all of you that voted, we really don't even know who won. We are kinda thinking it was more of a fluke then anything. Sparky's Land Works is going great! God has TOTALLY blessed.
I'm very busy with a new ministry! God has opened the door for me to work along side the pastor of the Singles Ministry; Velocity 180'. I'm his assistant, and work side by side with everything that will happen. I'm also developing Redeeming Love Ministries. It is a women's ministry aimed for working on the heart. I'm very excited to be given the opportunity to be used of God and help His Kingdom! I'm teaching a Bible study right now, but will be involved with Leadership training and discipleship in the next year! I know that my relationship with Christ has exploded since I started the ministry. I have finally given God 100% of my heart, and now He has EVERYTHING I was holding on to sinfully. God used Sandor in helping me, and now I finally have nothing to hide. I have NO bondage, and Satan has NOTHING against me!! Its SO great to have God be in control!
Our marriage has benefited from all of this! We are both aiming at a marriage that is glorifying God and we are making sure that we keep it exciting! We have had SO much fun knowing that we are both in His will and our marriage is THRIVING and is BLESSED because of it! We have felt like our marriage is on our honeymoon all over again, but better because of what God has already done and WILL be doing!
Thanks for checking up on us!!
ohhh dear look at my gran baby- soooo tired poor kid glad things are going great with everyone