Fall has been here and seems to be leaving us too quickly! Termination dust has made its debut, and the winter 'smell' is in the air. Sandor and I are very happy to see this season change, and are gearing up for our snow plowing business.
We are officially changing the business name to Snowline Alaska as of October 1st! We are praying this season will bring LOTS of snow and good business : )

My dad is getting better, he has had the swine flu and another infection that has put him out of commission this last week. He is still not himself, and is definitely ready to be. I feel for him SO much... I hate being sick, and can't imagine what he went through. BUT God is good and healing him!!

Asher is healthy, and growing! He is SUCH a mover, and I now have the joy of watching my belly roll and pop out here and there from his kicks, and somersaults!! I have my energy back, and have stopped throwing up! YAY!! Extreme difference, and energy now that has stopped, took 20wks, but hey! who's counting : D?
Ruben was able to enjoy his Grammie and Granpa Yager down in Homer, along with Nagypapa, Nagymama, Uncle Russ, and Aunt Janice... it was a GREAT visit, and we even had the pleasure of having Daddy down the last 24 hrs. The weather was AMAZING, and we were able to spend 90% of this last Saturday outside, on the beach. Ruben LOVED every minute he had to walk around and play! He is such a boy!!
Jonnie took him to see the firetrucks, and ambulance, pick raspberries, and go on walks. She also took Ruben and I swimming... I have a water baby (well not a baby anymore) and he had a blast! Good, easy exercise for me as well.

Its been amazing to watch Ruben grow and SOAK UP EVERYTHING around him. Whenever he sees a dump truck, he will point and say "dada". Don't ask me how he can already relate his daddy, and what he does, but he was sitting on Jonnie's lap when he did it, and it blew us both away : ) He has learned what fish are, and can call Sushi by her name now. He is still all about dancing, and get this, he stays on beat!! haha! Had to put that one in there for Sandor's sake, Ruben definitely gets his 'moves' from his Momma!! hahaha : D

Well I've written you guys a novel, so I'll let you go : ) The fall photos were taken at the Yager River property outside of Homer!!
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