Well I went to bed on Thursday and woke up about 3am with some cramping. I called Sandor, he had left for Homer and was coming back Friday morning, and told him that the cramping wasn't normal and I was going to pack Ruben up and go to the E.R.
Well in the 5 minutes I was on the phone with him my pain went from bad to worse! I could barely talk on the phone, let alone walk! He said that he was going to call an ambulance for me, and to make sure the door was unlocked. I had to get Ruben changed, in his car seat, with a bottle before they came. Praise the Lord, Sandor called Haley and Josiah who happened to be up from Homer and they arrived the same time the paramedics did. From the time the paramedics arrived to when they put me on a stretcher, I was cramping and bleeding worse! They gave me a pain med that didn't do anything, but I was at the hospital in no time.
When I arrived they gave me morphine and my body finally had relief. Sandor showed up by 8:30am and I was told by the doctor, that it seemed that my body was trying to get rid of tissue left over. So he gave me more of the same medicine to take orally later that day and I was able to leave the hospital. My bleeding and cramping went away, and I felt fine.
Saturday morning (3/21) I woke up to some cramping and decided to take the medicine, and try to relax. Well that didn't work so well when I threw up the medicine! My body was repeating everything from the morning before BUT 10 TIMES WORSE! Sandor and I loaded Ruben up and we went back to the ER. Kristin and Jon came to the hospital to watch Ruben. My sister Ellie came to see me and Terry and Jonnie came up from Homer. It took a few doses of pain meds 10x stronger then morphine to get the pain down, and I was then told that a DNC was in store for me.
Fortunately I was knocked out for that surgery and I felt nothing, not to mention I remember nothing! I was able to leave Saturday evening after a good nap. Since then, I am back to normal and have no cramping or unusual bleeding! Thank you to ALL of you that helped and prayed for us! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to Josiah and Haley, Kristin and Jon, my sister Ellie and Terry and Jonnie for EVERYTHING! For helping Sandor and I with Ruben when we needed you guys the most... We are TRULY blessed to have friends and family like you!!

Ruben is 8 months old! Sandor and I cant believe how big he has gotten, he is fitting into his 18 month outfits... and He is crawling EVERYWHERE, and pulling himself up onto EVERYTHING! He will walk if he has something he can hold onto. He is starting to stand up, then let go of his support! Freaks me out sometimes, but the boy has to learn some how! He is starting to eat some solid foods, like melt-away crackers and such. He has a tooth starting to pop put FINALLY! It doesn't seem to bother him at all. He is one tough kid...

Sandor is starting to practice his driving to get his CDL for this summer. He is going to work for Scott Services again, which is SUCH A BLESSING! Its very comforting to know that we don't have to wonder what Sandor will be doing for work in the summer! Scott and Angie are really great people and we love getting to know them. I received flowers from them this last week and it was SO sweet and unexpected!

I'm looking forward to summer, I'm ready to go all over all the state with Ruben. I told Sandor that even if he doesn't come, Ruben and I are going :) I will not be working a set schedule this summer and will have LOTS of time with a busy little boy!
We will be going to Homer next week and will be down there for a week! I CANNOT WAIT! I need a Homer trip...
We heard what happened over the weekend and even though we didn't get to help in any way, I hope you know that we were praying consistently for you and were available if you needed us! We love you!!
ReplyDeletejess (and charley)
Thanks for praying for me (us)... we love you too!