So this last month has been awesome :) I love being a Momma and watching my boys grow and change! Asher is becoming more and more active and responsive... he LOVES to smile and talk :) Ashers name literally means happiness and joy! We named him Asher on purpose- Sandor and I believe names have a lot of impact!

The boys and I have had some fun hanging out with my gf Bridget and her daughter Marilyn. Marilyn is 3 and is Rubens play date buddy! And Bridget is my scrapbook buddy :) I am doing Rubens 0-12month scrapbook... it has been SO fun scrapping with Bridget.

Ruben is a BIG boy now-- he is using utensils for his meals! I have a video of him using the fork, then him pointing to body parts... eye, nose and so on :) I am having trouble uploading- so I will have Sandor do it for me in another post!!
At Ashers last appointment he weighed in at 11lbs 11oz, and was 24in long... he is healthy and happy!!
Sandor is VERY anxious to start trucking for Scott this summer. He went today to test drive 'Ole Red' to make sure 'she' was ready for dirt hauling :)
I will continue my stay-at-home Momma duties this summer and also be hanging out with Bridget more and more... I am VERY excited for that!! A lot will change this summer- Ruben will be 2 years old! That is sad and exciting all at the same time! I cannot believe how big our 'baby man' is getting...

We will be in Homer for Easter weekend... I got THE cutest outfits for the boys to wear, Sandor and I included. I have an Easter basket to fill from Grandma (my mother) and Grammie (Sandor's mom) has an Easter Egg Hunt ready for Ruben as well! It will be a fun time :)

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