We spent Easter down in Homer this year. I had so much fun dressing up the boys. Ruben had his VERY first Easter egg hunt, and did a VERY good job at finding 30-something eggs! It took 2 days, but the boy found them all :)

On the way back to Anchorage from Homer, Sandor and I got to talking and a CRAZY idea was made into a PLAN!
Sandor and I have been really wanting to get rid of our debt for some time now, and I have been praying for an opportunity to have financial freedom. Well God works in ways that seem crazy to us, but are PERFECT to Him!! So Sandor and I have decided to step out in faith and make some big decisions for this summer.

The boys and I will be moving to Homer for the summer. I will be working for Sandor's grandparents at Windjammer Suites as a maid!! Sandor will be staying here in Anchorage and continue to work for Scott as a trucker through the summer. Once September rolls around, I will be back in Anchorage :) I am very excited for the long-term blessing this will have for our family, but kinda nervous for the short-term sacrifice of not being with my hubby for a few months! He will be coming down on weekends as often as possible, but this is a huge change! I know that God will comfort Sandor and I during this, and take care of our hearts, along with Ruben and Ashers!!
But if you could keep us in your prayers this summer, that would be AWESOME!!

On another note, Asher is getting SO big :) He is one HAPPY little man, he smiles and laughs CONSTANTLY, and is such a joy to have! God sure did bless us with 2 amazing little boys!

Ruben is continuing to expand his vocabulary. Today he said 'sticky', when I was wiping his hands. Then he kept saying 'Buck' during Ice Age 3- ALL by himself... Momma didn't even have to say it first (Buck is a character in the movie)! That boy is SMART!! He is interacting with Asher a lot more. He really gets a kick out of making Asher laugh and smile... They are going to be great play-mates!

While we were in Homer, Sandor took Ruben for his VERY first ride on the four wheeler!! Ruben LOVED it!! He cried SO much when it was time to leave the beach... He is JUST like his daddy :)

I hope this plan works well for you guys! I'm sure the weekends that Sandor goes to Homer will be GREAT memories for all of you.